Fall Playlist 2016

Happy October everyone! Here’s another fall themed post coming your way because fall is the best season ever and also so inspiring. I was thinking about coming up with a name for my fall series, let me know what you guys think in the comments! I’d love to hear what you guys think.

Anyways, something that I mentioned in my last fall blog post, a playlist gets me in the mood to get cozy and sip tea. Music is so powerful, because it can change your attitude, your day and how you feel. Below I have the ten songs I’ve had on repeat since the leaves started changing!

Youtube Playlist

Here’s my playlist one Youtube! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFPQgyt7HFGh4-s07qqUFO1SaVawY9XfW

I think these songs are perfect for morning or night, baking pie and just walking around appreciating the crisp air. I’ll most likely be adding more songs to my playlist, but these songs are the foundation for the rest of my fall music inspiration.

If this something you guys want more of, let me know because I had a LOT of fun looking for songs. And of course, if you have any song suggestions for me, let me know because you can never love enough songs.

Have a wonderful day, full of getting things done, great hair and smiles.

Happy Fall!